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Kelly, Charlene

Teaching Associate Professor of Forest Resources Management

Soil physical, chemical, and biological properties are strong indicators of ecosystem function and health. Dr. Kelly’s research program seeks to understand the effects of land management practices on soil properties, processes, and function in order to promote sustained soil fertility, water quality, and mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions. Specific management activities of interest include forest management, ecological restoration, tree species shifts/selections, soil amendments, and riparian management zones. Specific indicators of interest include carbon and nutrient cycling, soil microbial activity, greenhouse gas emission from soil, watershed biogeochemistry and ion transport in water, ecosystem water use, and soil physical properties such as stable aggregate formation. Most recent research projects include: 1) use of biochar to amend soil in marginal lands, 2) mitigation of nitrate and nitrous oxide in riparian soils, and 3) Long-Term Soil Productivity (LTSP) sites at the Forest Service Fernow Experimental Forest. Courses I teach at WVU include Principles of Soil Science, Computing in Natural Resources, and Forest Soils Ecology and Management. Dr. Kelly is also directing the NSF-funded Research and Mentoring Program (One Health WV). 


  1. Kelly CN, Matejczyk EA, Fox-Fogle EG, Hubbart JA, and TP Driscoll. 2023. Tree species influence nitrate and nitrous oxide production in forested riparian zones. Nitrogen. 4(4), 311-330.
  2. Kelly CN, Koos JA, Griggs TR, and ZB Freedman. 2022. Prescribed defoliation strategies influence soil carbon dynamics and nitrous oxide emission potential in central Appalachian perennial pastures. Agronomy Journal.
  3. Kelly CN, Cumming JR, Schwaner G, and TD Driscoll. Metagenomic reconstruction of nitrogen and carbon cycling pathways in forest soil: Influence by different hardwood tree species. 2021. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 108226
  4. Kemner JE, Adams MB, McDonald LM, Peterjohn WT, and CN Kelly. 2021. Fertilization and tree species influence on stable aggregates in forest soil. Forests. 12, 39.
  5. Kelly CN, Benjamin J, Calderon FC, and MM Mikha. 2017. The incorporation of biochar carbon into stable soil aggregates: the role of clay mineralogy and other soil characteristics. Pedosphere. 27(4): 694-704.
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